Community Service

St. Francis continually strives to support those in need in Teton Valley through our Outreach and Pastoral Care Committees.

Our Pastoral Care committee works in conjunction with the Community Resource Center to supply help with rent assistance, gas, medical bills, meals, prayer, as well as other areas that are needed to support our friends and neighbors.

Community Outreach is very important to all of us at our church. Within the past few years we have

  • Host a firewood program for those with heating needs in our valley.
  • Sponsor food collections at Broulims, to aid the Teton Valley Food Pantry.
  • Participated in the Tin Cup Challenge so that we may further help those in need.
  • Host a Christmas Sing-a-Long and chili with cornbread meal each year for members of our community.
  • Host an “Eat & Meet” potluck meal to share with members of our community.
  • Host an annual Yard Sale to help our neighbors in friends in Teton Valley. At the end of the Yard Sale clothing and household items are left out on the lawn for free.